
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Merkava Mark IV (Israel)

Merkava Mark IV (Israel)

Weight: 65 tons; Length: 9.04m
Width: 3.72m; Height: 2.66m
Crew: 4
Primary Armament: 120mm smooth bore gun
Operational Range: 500 km; Speed: 64 km/h on road, 55 km/h off road

Four main types of the Merkava series have been deployed since 1978. The Merkava Mark IV, the series' latest edition, is the more advanced version of the Merkava Mark III. It came into service with the Israel Defense Forces in 2004. Until now, a total of 360 Merkava Mark IV vehicles have been built, with an additional 300 in production. Slightly larger than the Mark III, the new vehicle is one of the best shielded tanks in the world. One Merkava MBT costs about US$5 million.

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