
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Panzer V Panther (Germany) World war


Number built—6,000
Weight 45 tons
Length 6.87 m(+gun 8.66 m)
Height 2.99 m
Wide 3.42 m
Crew 5
Armor 15-120 mm
Weapon Canono 75 mm L70[1] Machine guns 7.92 mm(MG-34)[1]
Speed 46-55 km/h

The Panther was a medium tank (45 tonnes) with a crew of five, which was designed to counter the excellent Soviet T-34 tank. In weight it was comparable to Soviet heavy tanks. It had sloped armour (for better protection) and carried a long-barreled 75 mm gun. Series production began in 1943 and a total of 4,800 were produced. Initial mechanical problems were mostly fixed, and the Panther is considered the best German tank of the war.

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